Nas Covers The UK’s ‘Huck’ Magazine

by Napps Pascal

Nas gets candid with Huck magazine for their latest issue.  Check out some excerpts from the article below.

What do you find exciting in hip hop now?
I like Azealia Banks, I like Nicki [Minaj]. Those are the girls that are currently in the game. I like A$ap Rocky, Big Sean.

You’ve been in the news recently because of an outstanding $6,000,000 tax bill. Do you wish you’d been more business-minded in your career?
No, I don’t have any regrets. The way we live is no regrets. Everything is a learning experience and your mistakes, when you go back to look at them, are just moments of being human. Those are my reference points. So I go back to those points. And I love those points when I didn’t do well because that meant I was just a human.

What’s your greatest fear?
To be scared. To achieve the things that I’ve achieved, fear had something to do with it, but it’s really not fear at the end of the day. KRS-One said years ago, “Here’s where the problem starts, no heart. Because of that a lot of groups fell apart.” […] The ones that came up and were just so talented that you didn’t understand what happened to them – a lot of them just didn’t have any heart. [They] wind up on drugs, or become bitter and just talk about people all day. They had no heart. And they make excuses for it.

What would you do if you couldn’t make music any more?
I love art. I love being creative. So I’d probably still be creative in some way. I’d probably find that other talent that I didn’t know I had because I’ve been concentrating on music too much. Who knows?

How would you like to be remembered?
Oh no, I can’t answer that! I don’t care that much about how people think about me. While I’m here, a lot matters. When I’m gone, I’m gone. I don’t know, I’d be cheating myself if I told you that; I’d probably downplay myself, there’s probably someone that thinks of me more than I can. That should be outside of me. I probably don’t even know what it is that people think of me, really. So whatever it is, let it be.

via The Life Files

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