2008and9 – Note to the 8&9 Alliance & thank you to the 8&9 custo's!

by 8&9 Clothing

6.26.08 – 8&9 Alliance: Oh man. Where to even begin. We knew 2008and9 was coming, we knew it was going to be serious, we knew that the 8&9 Alliance was in the best possible position and that the time was now. Still, it’s almost impossible to imagine the magnitude of progress and the consistency of the positive response we’ve received in the first quarter 2008and9. Thank you!

To every single person, The 8&9 Alliance, we appreciate you. Over the years, the exact position we are in right now as a brand, with our product, the recognition it wouldn’t have been possible without you. Know, that 8&9 will continue to hold you down as we move forward and continue to answer the growing demand for everything 8&9.

This week we’re releasing tons of new 8&9 Designs. We are making changes on 8and9.com and especially in the shopping platform, www.8and9.com/shop Most importantly, we want to remind you that 8&9 is serious about our loyalties and we’re making sure that you know we rock with those who’ve been down from day 1. This is the turning point and we are right here with you.
Email any member of our staff directly or send a message to customer service telling them 1 undeniable reason why you should get the exclusive discount code for 30% off anything 8&9. We got you.
Don’t worry, we love our new customers too, so tell your friends to use the code “NEWJACKS” when checking out on www.8and9.com they’ll get 10% off since they know you. Beat that.

In the meantime, check the shop @ 8and9.com for new products being added this week.

Check myspace for 8&9

& become a fan 8&9 FaceBook

We appreciate you.

Peace & Take Care


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